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1. Divide pages 2-19 of your notebook into six horizontal bands; do this by drawing five evenly spaced dashed horizontal lines. The second and fifth lines as you count from the top are the ground planes. The line in the middle of the page divides the page into two drawings.

2. Draw a series of 9 sections exploring the relationship between two of the projects you chose and the ground line as a datum. Use a range of carefully hatched lines to signify where the section cuts through solid material and to indicate what that material might be. Ensure that the material surrounding the Architecture below ground level is shown as solid.

Note: the horizontal bands are there as guidelines, feel free to cross those boundaries.

See table and an example sketch below:

Above Adjective Client 1 Adjective Client 1 Adjective Client 1
Below Adjective Client 2 Verb Client 2 Noun Client 2
Above Verb Client 1 Verb Client 1 Verb Client 1
Below Adjective Client 2 Verb Client 2 Noun Client 2
Above Noun Client 1 Noun Client 1 Noun Client 1
Below Adjective Client 2 Verb Client 2 Noun Client 2


3. Draw another series of 9 sections reversing above and below.


Complete by the beginning of next weeks tutorial.

In consultation with your tutor take one of the sections created in class and develop it in 3 dimensions using SketchUp 8.

Note: In SketchUp begin by following the "Sketchup New Users" video tutorials here: http://www.sketchup.com/training/videos/new_to_gsu.html. Do parts 1-4. Have the "Instructor" open while you select tools to use WINDOW > INSTRUCTOR. We expect that the 3 dimensional model will be different than you first imagined in your sketch's, this is a normal part of the design development process so move ahead with confidence as your 3 dimensional model "evolves".

TIP: You will be most successful when learning computer software if you work together in groups. Your collegues in ARCH1101 are one of your most valuable resourses.

2. Save two images from your SketchUp model and upload them, along with the page from your sketchbook that you based it on, to your blog. Include the two words that the architecture responds to as a caption to the images and confirm your material selection.

3. In the "Settings" of your Blog go into the "Posts and Comments" and then change "Who Can Comment?" to " Anyone - includes Anonymous Users". Make sure you hit the "Save Settings" button at the top right of the page.

Note: make sure you save the SketchUp model in a safe place as it will be a part of your EXP1 submission.