DUE: Sunday May 05 by 9:00pm.
ASSESSMENT WEIGHTING: 30% (marking schedule)
TIMETABLE: 3 Weeks. 30% of final grade.
ARCHITECTURAL CONVENTION: Monumental Architecture and Landform.
ARCHITECTURAL CHALLENGE: Articulating figure and ground in 3 dimensions. Two monuments.
CLIENTS: Architects. One living, one dead. Chosen by your tutor.
SOFTWARE: CryENGINE3, Playup for Google Sketchup, Fraps, Blogger.
TECHNIQUES: The axonometric, Boolean operations, real time image capture, blogging.
ASSESSABLE OUTPUTS: 18 sketch axonometric drawings, 36 custom textures, 1 CryENGINE3 environment, 5 real time image captures on a Blogger weblog.
PREMISE: Architecture may be designed by the amalgamation of discrete forms. Such Boolean operations promote an abstract understanding of the relationships required to make whole systems.
Choose a architectural concept that was created, developed or challenged by each of the two Architects chosen by your tutor. Create an architecture that monumentalises those two concepts as well as the Architects who created, developed or challenged them. The monuments will exist in a landscape that you create to both locate and separate them. The space between the monuments on the landform is a place for students of Architecture, Architectural Computing and Engineering with Architecture to meet and exchange ideas. The landform should allow these students to arrive at their meetings in a distinctive and significant way.
In addition to the overall course assessment criteria students will be assessed on the
level and extent to which they engage with the criteria listed below:
THE TWO CONCEPTS_ Do the two concepts suggest a distinctive and significant approach to engaging with each Architect?
THE 18 SKETCH AXONOMETRICS _ Do the 18 sketch axonometric's communicate a distinctive and significant approach the student has taken with respect to each concept and their possible relationship to the space between?
THE 36 CUSTOM TEXTURES _ Do the 36 custom textures demonstrate enquiry and experimentation with respect to ideas of light and shadow?
THE LANDFORM_ Does the landform demonstrate a distinctive and significant approach to bringing students of Architecture, Architectural Computing and Engineering together?
THE IMAGE CAPTURES AND ARCHITECTURE _ Do the image captures demonstrate that the student has thought about the relative size of each rectangular element, what their proportions are, their orientation, how texture, colour and shadow map over their surfaces and how all of the above work together to establish the balance or otherwise of their scheme?
CryEngine 3 : an introduction and application. Vol. 1
CryEngine 3 : an introduction and application. Vol. 2
CryEngine 3 : an introduction and application. Vol. 3
Written notes on the Video Tutorials by ARCH1101 Student Andrew Best
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