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ASSESSMENT WEIGHTING: 20% (marking schedule)


TIMETABLE: WEEKS 5 - 10, 20% of final grade.
ARCHITECTURAL CHALLENGE: In groups of 5 build two versions of the site, one at 12am, one at 12pm.
REFERENCE TEXT: See EXP3 brief for a list of UT3 tutorials
PRECEDENTS: ARCH7201_RS EXP 3 Introductory lecture on UT3
SOFTWARE: Bloger, Photoshop, 3dsMax, UT3
TECHNIQUES: Level Editing, Modeling and Skinning
OUTPUTS: 1 x UT3 map per group that recreates the site and immediate surrounds. 1 x 300 word group theoretical statement. 1 x 3 minute Machinima documenting the site. In this component the students are awarded a grade as a group.
PREMISE: Occupied by real human controlled avatars, real time interactive environments offer a new way to document the life of a site.


Split the class into two groups. Negotiate as to which group builds the site at 12am and which group builds the site at 12pm. Prepare a 300 word statement communicating a group theoretical position on the life or lives of the site; refer to the assessment criteria below (quotes and references need not be included within the 300 word limit). Complete the necessary tutorials (see below) to build a map that represents the site on a range of levels. We will be using the DM (DeathMatch) game type in the Unreal 3 Engine so that multiple human controlled avatars can interact with each other and the site simultaneously. Each group will create a 3 minute long Machinima documenting the life of the site.




WAYLON-ART: http://waylon-art.com/LearningUnreal/

UNREAL FORGE: http://www.utforge.com/index.php?page=10

EPIC GAMES, UNREAL TOURNAMENT FORUMS: http://utforums.epicgames.com/forumdisplay.php?f=351

EPIC GAMES, UT3 SPECIAL COLLECTORS EDITION: Bonus DVD containing 20+ hours of Unreal Engine 3 Toolkit Video Tutorials


In addition to the overall course assessment criteria students will be assessed on the level and extent to which they engage with the criteria listed below:

THE QUALITY OF LIGHT_ does the quality of light communicate a distinctive and significant approach the group has taken with respect to the life, or lives, of the site?
THE INTERACTIVITY_ does the interactivity between site elements, between people and the site and between people communicate a distinctive and significant approach the group has taken with respect to the life, or lives, of the site?
THE MATERIALITY_ does the materiality communicate a distinctive and significant approach the group has taken with respect to the life, or lives, of the site?
THE AURAL ENVIRONMENT_ does the aural environment communicate a distinctive and significant approach the group has taken with respect to the life, or lives, of the site?
THE CUSTOM ASSETS_ do the custom assets communicate a distinctive and significant approach the group has taken with respect to the life, or lives, of the site?

THE VIDEO CAPTURES, EDITING AND SOUNDTRACK_ do the video captures, the way that they have been cut together and the soundtrack capture the logic, distinctiveness, significance and beauty of the theoretical position that the group is presenting?