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ASSESSMENT WEIGHTING: 35% (marking schedule)


TIMETABLE: WEEKS 10 - 12, 35% of final grade.
ARCHITECTURAL CHALLENGE: To speculate on and test a possible circulation schema of a health care facility.
REFERENCE TEXT: Richard Goodwin, "Performance to Porosity", Craftsman House,  2006.
PRECEDENTS: ARCH7201_RS EXP 4 Introductory lecture on Invisible Architecture.
SOFTWARE: UT3, Unreal Editor, 3dsMax, Photoshop
TECHNIQUES: Blogging, Machinima, Video Editing
OUTPUTS: 1 x 4d circulation schema, 2 x Fixed-Camera Machinima captures of 45 seconds max duration each (or 90 seconds total)
PREMISE: The blind testing of occupants navigating a 4 dimensional architectural diagram would determine the porosity or otherwise of a scheme.


Use any, or all, of the knowledge, skills, techniques or virtual substance of either groups Experiment 3 submission as a springboard to explore a possible circulation schema for a health care facility. The circulation schemas you propose should have both public, private and hybrid conditions of occupation. You might construct your hybrid public/private conditions of occupation by varying qualities of light, interactivity, materiality, sound, or filter by actor class over time. The Fixed-Camera Machinima captures are intended to provide a conceptual platform for comparison i.e. without zooming, panning or sweeping we will be able to analyse your environments from a relatively stable point of view.

RESEARCH ABSTRACT: ""Design, Innovation, Market", 10% of final grade.

This component consists of a 500 word abstract and supporting annotated bibleography. The abstract sets out the points of Design, Innovation and Market that the student intends to pursue in ARCH7202 GP. The timetable for this component is from week 3 to week 12. Each week students will add an annotated bibleographic reference to their blog (of approximately 120 words) with the intention that this will bring into focus particular areas of their design production. This component is graded either "acceptable" or "not acceptable". Acceptable work will be awarded 10%, not acceptable work will be awarded 0%.


WAYLON-ART: http://waylon-art.com/LearningUnreal/

UNREAL FORGE: http://www.utforge.com/index.php?page=10

EPIC GAMES, UNREAL TOURNAMENT FORUMS: http://utforums.epicgames.com/forumdisplay.php?f=351

EPIC GAMES, UT3 SPECIAL COLLECTORS EDITION: Bonus DVD containing 20+ hours of Unreal Engine 3 Toolkit Video Tutorials


In addition to the overall course assessment criteria students will be assessed on the level and extent to which they engage with the criteria listed below:

THE QUALITY OF LIGHT_ does the quality of light communicate a distinctive and significant approach the student has taken with respect to the circulation of a health care facility?
THE INTERACTIVITY_ does the interactivity between circulation elements, between people and the circulation elements and between people communicate a distinctive and significant approach the student has taken with respect to the circulation of a health care facility?
THE MATERIALITY_ does the materiality communicate a distinctive and significant approach the student has taken with respect to the circulation of a health care facility?
THE AURAL ENVIRONMENT_ does the aural environment communicate a distinctive and significant approach the student has taken with respect to the circulation of a health care facility?
THE CUSTOM ASSETS_ do the custom assets communicate a distinctive and significant approach the student has taken with respect to the circulation of a health care facility?

THE VIDEO CAPTURES, EDITING AND SOUNDTRACK_ do the video captures, the way that they have been cut together and the soundtrack capture the logic, distinctiveness, significance and beauty of the circulation schema that the student is presenting?