EXPERIMENT 2: Life After People.
ASSESSMENT WEIGHTING: 45% (marking schedule)
EXPERIMENT 2: Life After People.
TIMETABLE: Weeks 8 - 13, 45% of final grade.
ARCHITECTURAL COMPUTING CHALLENGE: To explore and illustrate the state of decay, structural failure, materiality, abandonment of a seminal piece of architecture, 100 years after the end of human life on earth.
REFERENCE TEXTS: Weizman, E., Tavares, P., Schuppli, S. and Studio, S. (2010), Forensic Architecture. Archit Design, 80: 58–63. doi: 10.1002/ad.1134, Fisher, M. (2010), Post-Apocalypse Now. Archit Design, 80: 70–73. doi: 10.1002/ad.1136, Life After People (2008, 2009)
SOFTWARE: Blogger, 3d Studio Max 2012, CryEngine3 Free SDK, Fraps, Premier, Photoshop, Crazybump (trial), Vegas (trial).
TECHNIQUES: Blogging, Modeling, Repurposing Computer Games, Visual Scripting, Machinima, Video Editing,
OUTPUTS: 1 x 180 second (max!) video clip, 1 x Blog with completed weekly tasks, 1 x Crysis Free SDK with the required files to "play test" your work, 5 x high resolution "images.
PREMISE: That "the most architectural thing about [a] building is the state of decay in which it is. Architecture only survives where it negates the form which that society expects of it. Where it negates itself by transgressing the limits that history has set for it". (Tschumi)
1. Choose one of the following houses - Rudin House, House at Bordeaux, Barcelona Pavillion - to model in a state of decay 100 years after the end of human life on earth.
2. Download the corresponding 3d Studio Max file from the BENV2423 course folder to use as starting point from which to model the chosen architecture in a state of decay.
3. Use cgtextures.com, Photoshop, CrazyBump and 3d Studio Max 2012 to create and map textures.
Refer to the Eat3d tutorials to help you create quality materials that will help illustrate a state of decay.
5. Landscape design: modify the landform of your island that was created for Experiment 1, to accommodate the insertion of your chosen piece of architecture.
7. Create and upload 5 "money shots" that document and present the occupation and subsequent abandonment of your chosen piece of architecture.
8. Create a 180 second (max!) video clip that demonstrates the notion of decay of your chosen building interactively.
CryEngine 3 : an introduction and application. Vol. 1
CryEngine 3 : an introduction and application. Vol. 2
CryEngine 3 : an introduction and application. Vol. 3
CryENGINE 3 Materials: an introduction and application Vol. 1
CryENGINE 3 Materials: an introduction and application Vol. 2
CryENGINE 3 Materials: an introduction and application Vol. 3
BENV2423 course folder
Written notes on the Eat3d Tutorials by ARCH1101 Student Andrew Best
http://www.youtube.com/user/popovickonstantin7 .
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LW9v9nL7WB4&feature=player_embedded Introduction to the Flowgraph Editor by UNSW student Jeremiasz Sieczko.
In addition to the overall course assessment criteria students will be assessed on the
level and extent to which they engage with the criteria listed below:
LANDSCAPE DESIGN_ Has the island been modified to suit the insertion of architecture in a distinctive and significant way?
FORENSIC ARCHITECTURE_ Has the student demonstrated an understanding of construction systems and how they might fail over time?
THE EVENT_ Has the student shown signs of human occupation in a distinctive and significant way?
THE TEXTURES_ Do the textures demonstrate decay and corrosion in a distinctive and significant way?
THE VIDEO CLIP, INTERACTIVITY_How sophisticated is the notion of decay demonstrated interactively?