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Note: You can ftp into the course folder on emustore (S:\Resources\samples\Arch\ARCH1101 - LOWE) by following this link and logging in: ftp://emustore.fbe.unsw.edu.au (your User name is the letter 'u' followed by your student ID and your password is your normal fbe password. If you haven't set that go to the "current students" page on the fbe website and follow the "FBE paswword services" link).
Note: If you have not completed (or at least made an honest attempt at) the independent study from last week your tutor will ask you to leave.
Note: Throughout the class students will be demonstrating modeling techniques using Google Sketchup.
1. Using the scheme you developed in SketchUp design two sets of stairs; one that goes from the above ground studio down to the exhibition space and a second that comes from the below ground studio up to the exhibition space.
2. Represent each stair with at least 2 sections. Keep all the notes, details and sections relating to each stair on one pair of facing pages.
3. In consultation with your tutor take another one of the sections created in the first studio session and design two sets of stairs for that scheme. Represent each of these new stairs with at least 2 sections.
Note: By the end of the studio session you will have at least 8 sections (representing 4 sets of stairs).
Complete by the beginning of your next tutorial.
1. Develop the section chosen in step 3 above in 3 dimensions using Google SketchUp. Include the stairs you designed in todays studio session in the model.
2. Try importing some 2d people into your scheme from Google 3d Warehouse, these will confirm the scale of the Architecture you are proposing.
3. Save two images from your second SketchUp model (make sure the images show the stair off well) and upload them, along with the page from your sketchbook that you based it on and the pages showing your stair sections, to your blog. Include the two words that the architecture responds to as a caption to the images and confirm your material selection.
Note: make sure you save the SketchUp model in a safe place as it will be a part of your EXP1 submission.