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1. During this studio session each tutor will review your full draft of the outcomes required for EXP2. See the OUTPUTS section of the EXP2 brief for what is required; a full draft includes all of those outputs. While each of the outputs might not be finished they do need to present a clear indication of the strengths and opportunities of the scheme. This is verbal feedback. Take a look at the student work from previous years for inspiration and to see what you need to acheive to get a high grade for the Architecture component of your design work: https://arch1101-2020.blogspot.com/2020/04/lecture-3.html

2. In addition to the feedback received from your tutor above each student will ask 2 other students to review their work on the marking schedules provided here. The students reviewing your work don't need to be in your tutorial group.

3. If you havent already, complete your MyExperience survey for ARCH1101; you can do this in any of the three ways suggested below ...

Note: Complete one survey for the course and one for your tutor (remember to select the right tutor, the automated system might have assigned you the wrong tutor).



Complete before final submission: Thursday 14th of May, by 11:59pm.

1. Upload the marking schedules to your blog.

2. Complete your final submission of EXP2.

3. Submit your SketchUp Models to the 3d Warehouse, or upload to dropbox or similar.

4. Write short comments (75 words max!) under your final real time images to indicate how they relate to your "theory".