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1. Complete the tutorials listed below:

Animating the Time of Day: Open Time of Day editor: Main Menu > Terrain > Time of Day > In the Current Time window make Play Speed = 0.5 (that's it!)

Pickable Objects: Rollup Bar > Entity > physics > basic entity > (In the basic entity's properties) Model > Browse to *.cgf file > Pickable = True > Mass = appropriate value

Creating rain: RainTutorial_Crymod.pdf

Sliding Doors, with a Trigger: the video tutorial, CrysisSandbox2Tutorial_SlidingDoors.divx, found on the resources drive here \\Emustore\resources\samples\benv\BENV2423 - Lowe\Tutorials

Note: The sliding doors tutorial uses the flowgraph (visual scripting editor) in sandbox to link the trigger with the door animations. We'll be using this editor more later so it would be worth taking a look at the section on the flowgraph in the sandbox 2 manual which is here: doc.crymod.com


Complete by the beginning of next weeks tutorial.

Integrate all or some of the above interactive opportunities with your environment.

Note: you might pick a more interesting model to use as your "door"... possibly even a model you've created in SketchUp.

2. Upload a short clip to Youtube and link it to your blog.