1. Create a new Crysis Wars level for Exp2 and use your student id number as the level name. Save all subsequent versions of your map to this folder adding _Exp2_v01, _Exp2_v02, _Exp2_v03, etc to the end of the level name.
2. Create an
Objects folder with your student id and _ObjectsExp2 as the name.
3. Research three flowgraph nodes in detail. Begin your search with the links below then follow any others you may find.
The Big Flowgraph Request Topic
4. Collect tutorials that will enable you to demonstrate mastery in the use of the Flowgraph nodes you have chosen.
Complete by the beginning of the next tutorial.
1. Create a blog post that provides links to the websites/webpages/wiki's/forums/etc where you've found useful information on your potential flowgraph nodes ... add a short note under each link with a description of what you've found. Call this blog post Research ... and keep adding to it as you find more valuable info over the rest of the course.
2. Create a blog post that lists your three chosen Flowgraph nodes and why you chose them.
3. Upload your first 30 second video clip to your blog. Write a short caption beneath it to explain what it is about this video that demonstrates mastery.