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1. With one of the tutors, or another student, review your first draft of the Analytics Engine documentary. Use the marking schedule for EXP2 as a guide for your assessment.

2. Watch the video tutorials from last years BENV2423 class (available here: \\Emustore.fbe.unsw.edu.au\resources\samples\benv\BENV2423 - Lowe\Tutorials\Student_Work ) and complete a marking schedule for two of them. Upload the completed marking schedules to your blog.

Note: you can download a Research Assignment marking schedule in Microsoft word format here.


Complete by the beginning of the next tutorial.

Complete the second draft of your Analytics Engine documentary.

2. Write a paragraph describing how the the tutorial subject you've decided on will elevate one's understanding of the media beyond that of a typical user. This will contribute to the final 500 word text required in the Research Assignment.

3. Keep adding to your Research post as you find more valuable info during the rest of the course. This will help you immeasurably with your Research assignment.